Program Overview
The 2023 eduWeb Summit offers a fresh approach to our attendees (marketing, admissions, advancement, IT, digital, and web team leaders and doers) that focuses on connection and collaboration. From market research with previous Summit attendees, we know that you look for events like ours not only for professional development but especially for the opportunity to meet new peers, huddle with colleagues after sessions to compare notes, and explore the landscape of partner resources.
So, rather than the traditional fishing expedition that is the “call for proposals” approach, we have curated a group of track experts composed of thought-leaders and industry standouts to focus on the key problems that our community faces.
Top issues included:
Lead Generation
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Team Management
Website Strategy and Analytics
Creativity and Innovation
Admissions and Marketing Partnerships
Read on to learn more about the unique session formats and preview a “trail map” example to see how you can reach your summit, and then continue on to learn about our plans for Beyond the Summit.
Session Titles and Descriptions
Challenge Track Previews
At the opening session on Tuesday afternoon, track experts will introduce the Challenge Tracks and preview their approaches to explore the details and potential solutions through the Seminars (all held on Wednesday) and ColLABoration sessions (read on for more about those). Select up to three to follow through each session type or mix and match to experience a little bit of everything!
Challenge Track Seminars
The Seminar for each Challenge Track is intended to “set the table” by identifying our track expert's approach to address specific issues within each challenge. They may share market research, case studies, or other resources to explore each topic's big picture or nuances. As will all session experiences across the 2022 eduWeb Summit, we’re counting on our attendees to speak up, share views from campus, and ask many questions.
One of the themes for the eduWeb Summit is engagement. Another is to move sessions beyond the podium and PowerPoint play to an experience that connects track experts and attendees to the conversation. After attending a Challenge Track session, move into these CoLABorations ready to share, question, and explore ideas from other attendees, industry experts, and track experts.
Beyond the Summit
Here’s another way that we’re making something new happen. Beyond the Summit is a closing session at the 2022 eduWeb Summit AND a slate of virtual activities to keep the conversation going. On Thursday, the track experts will lead wrap-up sessions to review the conversations and revelations during each Challenge Track and facilitate a discussion to make specific plans for follow-up.
Everything is on the table—webinars, virtual meetups, discussion threads, live social media events, show and tell sessions—anything that will help attendees and track experts sustain connection until we meet again. We think this new approach goes beyond a few summer days. We know the problems we’re trying to solve won’t disappear because of one conference. But we believe in this community’s power and are determined to keep a good thing going.
Crazy about this idea? Use this Guide form to sign up to learn more and share your ideas.
All Hands
These three sessions give attendees a place to focus on issues and information relevant to everyone. Market research, case studies, new thinking, and innovations will provide centering opportunities and resources to support you and your team.
Conference Session
These short but sweet sessions are intended to add dimension to our programming through a unique collection of presentations by attendees, industry experts, and sponsors. Some will be fun, refreshing, and light, while others will introduce new issues, opportunities, and solutions.
Session slots have filled quickly, but we have a few left. Pitch your ideas for a Conference Session on this easy form. Here are some ideas to consider:
Read something extraordinary lately? How about a book report or, in the spirit of collaboration, a book club to invite others to talk about their take on a book you identify?
Show and Tell was always the best part of elementary school, right? Have you been somewhere exciting and have photos and videos and a story to share? Bring it! Has your team made something cool? Show us!
Geek out with some cool tips and tricks to look at performance data, set up templates, or anything you know how to do that someone might enjoy learning.
Create a moment. Lead a meditation, yoga class, or sing-along. Give us a break from the intense, amazing conversations and a few minutes to refresh our brains and perspectives.
Find Your Flock
While we know that higher ed folks face a lot of similar challenges, there are nuances to be considered in the context of institution type; markets served, and location, to name a few. On Tuesday and at each breakfast, you will have many options to join a table of attendees who will have something in common with you and your campus. Interested in learning more about a different type of institution or considering a move to a new part of the country, find a new flock to perch with for a moment or two.
At registration, we’ll share the Find Your Flock categories we’ve come up with and allow you to request something new.