How to Market Your Presence
Now that you’ve secured your space at the eduWeb Summit there are plenty of tools to help you promote your presence. Below is a list of ideas that you can incorporate to inform customers and prospects of your participation at the eduWeb Summit. Many of these ideas are quick to incorporate into your message and will result in new leads and more sales.
Digital Communications
Create an e-blast to your database lists of your customers, prospects, partners, etc., inviting them to the EduWeb Summit. Remember to include any show specials or new product announcements.
Always include your booth number in your email signature with a link to the EduWeb Summit registration page.
Attract customers and prospects by offering special event pricing that will only be available at the event. You can share with your customers and prospects, that they would receive a discount on their conference registration. Discounts don’t apply to workshops.
Contact eduWeb Summit for a registration discount code.
Create and send an email that contains an offer for a contest or promotes your booth activation. This is a great tool for promoting booth traffic.
Place an eduWeb Summit image/banner within your website and hyperlink the banner/image back to EduWeb Summit. Add these banners to any/all social media platform(s).

Develop a page on your website that is dedicated to your presence at eduWeb Summit. Include an image of where your booth is located on the show floor. (See sample below and contact the Conference Manager to create a floor plan image showcasing your booth/space.)
Use the page to promote any products, show specials, or new products you will be exhibiting at the show. It is also an opportunity for you to include dates, times, benefits, and location of any presentations or events you might be doing at the eduWeb Summit as well.
Sample Floorplan Highlighting Your Space:

Social Media
Before, during, and post-show you can bring brand awareness to your booth by creating tweets on your company’s Twitter page using @eduwebsummit
This year’s handle: #eduweb22 and #eduwebsummit
Include updates on your company’s page promoting the eduWeb Summit. Post on the EduWeb Summit page about your booth to engage your customers, and prospects.
Create a discussion on the eduWeb Summit discussion group that promotes your booth.
Download Social Media Badge for you:

Press Resources
Write a press release about exhibiting/sponsoring at the EDUWEB DIGITAL SUMMIT.
Advertising Using Direct Mail
Create unique personal invitations for your top-level customers and prospects about your booth. The invitation should be brief and concise, however, it should include your booth number and the benefits of them coming to see you. NOTE: Remember, you do have a discount that you can offer; see above under E-Communications.
Any communications you may send to your customers such as invoices should also be used as a way to give them information about your booth number and participation at EduWeb Summit.
Create a reminder postcard to mail to your customers and prospects about your booth at EduWeb Summit.
Promotion During the Event
Social Media
Promoting your engagement activity
Hosting contests at your space